academia de leitura

Uma janela de histórias e muitas brincadeiras. Para as crianças e com as crianças!

Use Your Imagination - Nicola O´Byrne

"Excuse me," 
said  a voice. "May I help?" It was Wolf.
"Well, maybe ..." said Rabbit. "I´m bored."

"Why don´t we write a story?" said Wolf.
" I am a librarian, you know, and librarians know a lot about stories." 

"Hmmm, I´m sure I´ve heard someyhing that befor" said Rabbit.
" Never mind that," said Wolf quickly. 
"Let´s get on with the story!" 

"But how do we start?"asked Rabbit. 

It´s making up word and pictires in your head to tell a story", explaaind Wolf. " And, of course, there´s really only one way to begin a story........

"But  what is our story going to be about?" asked Rabbit. 
"Well", said Wolf. "USE YOUR IMAGINATION!"

"Space rockets!" cried Rabbit. "BIG explosiotions!"
And bananas. We need LOTS of bananas!!!"  

"Oh,I don´t think so", said Wolf.
" What we need is a something ...
" What abiut a mouse?" asked Rabbit.
"I was thinking about something bigger, "said Wolf. 

"An elephant!" cried Rabbit. 
" How about something medium-sized?" said Wolf, quickly.
" I know!Something about you?" asked Rabbit. 
" Now, that´s a good idea." said Wolf. 
" Well, of course ... about  me, me, me!! said Rabbit. 
"What a great idea!!said Wolf. 

" But what will I wear?" said Rabbit.
" Oh, it doesn´t matter muc." said Wolf. 

"USE YOUR IMAGINATION!", said wolf. 

" A space suit!" cried Rabbit. 
" Or... pirates´s hat!" "Or ...what about a little red eape?" 
" Oh, you probaly don´t need a thing," smiled Wolf. 

I was thinking of somewhere ...tree-y," said Wolf.
"Oh, what about a forest? squeaked Rabbit. 
" Now, that´s a good idea," said Wolf 
Rabbit felt very proud." We´ve got a baddie, a hero and a forest," he said. "Is the story going to start soon?" 
" Oh, yes," said Wolf, grinning. " The story start" 

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